Sunday, July 29, 2007

Conjunctivitis sucks. Pinkeye sounds so much cooler!

Good evening. I write to you tonight with a rather annoying problem hindering me slightly. I appear to be suffering from conjunctivitis in my right eye. I prefer to call this Pinkeye, mainly because of that hilarious episode of South Park, "Pinkeye".

On the plus side, it's not unbearably itchy, leaving it alone is fairly easy, however care must be taken not to a) Pass it on to my left eye; and b) Pass it on to either of Caitlin's eyes. We'll just have to be extra careful.

Not much else to report. You've probably already noticed the website has changed quite drastically (new menu!), I personally feel it looks a lot better than just plain text, but I think perhaps the choice of image may have to be rethought. In the meantime, I'll work on the 2006 picture update, because then I'll be in a position to get right up to date.

The plan is:
  • Finish updating pics to the present day
  • Write a couple of articles to get the Rugby League and Wrestling sections going
  • Start populating the Retro Zone with many and varied interesting articles and reviews
The Retro Zone is going to be the biggie, and constantly expanding. So, I'll need to come up with a decent menu system for it.

In the meantime, I'm happy with where I've got to so far, and where it's going to, but watch this space, there will be more soon...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Oh My God. He's Back. Is nothing sacred?

My dear friends... it's been a long time. I haven't updated this blog for so long, I haven't updated my website for nearly 3 years. Yet finally, I seem to have got round to it.

So why is this?

Because it seemed a shame to have all that webspace, and nothing happening on it. My family and friends could be looking at how this section of the family are doing, I could be expressing myself by means of verbal diarrhoea (which I always liked to do), or I could just be letting the exhibitionist in me get an outlet.

Maybe all 3.

Anyway, here I am, the website ( is updated (not right up to date, but getting there), and a whole host of new sections have been added. There's nothing in them yet, but over time this website is going to grow and grow. Believe me, I can't wait to get my teeth stuck into the Retro articles. I've got so much in mind already. And as for Rugby League and the WWE, I have many opinions that I'm going to share, like them or not. And most of you probably won't. But I don't really care.

The important thing to me is that I finally got round to doing something that has been waiting for a long while. And now that I've done this much, it's going to be a lot less effort to try and keep it up to date.

Now, since this is a blog, I guess I should actually write something tangible.

The family's fine, we've had our ups and downs since I last posted, moved house twice, and I have a new job. All is well, and we are very very happy. Caitlin is two and a half now, and growing at a steady rate, and getting cuter by the day. Erm... Yeah. Otherwise, I'm still the same guy.

The photo is proof.